About the Kalakaua Merrie Mile
Saturday December 13, 2025
Start time: 7am Location
Monsarrat Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii
Double your bling at the Merrie Mile in Waikiki!
This is a fun one-mile race in Waikiki followed by a beach party. Great as a warm-up for the marathon as well as visiting friends and family. Children of all ages are welcome to run the Merrie Mile.
Starts are in waves based on predicted finish time. The last wave is the professional wave starts with invited runners going sub 4min for the mile!
The race is named after King Kalakaua, who was known as The Merrie Monarch. The one-mile course starts at the Kapiolani Park end of Kalakaua Avenue and the turn around is by Kaiulani Ave. You’ll finish by Queens beach with a concert on the beach!
